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Школа Ise - Англия

ISE is a British Council accredited school with 20 years experience in delivering high quality English language tuition, based in the historical centre of Brighton and with a second teacher training premises in Hove.

We can accept students all year round with full time courses at all levels, exam preparation courses and university preparation for undergraduates in a mixed nationality English speaking environment.

ISE HOVE English Language School

ISE Hove uses traditional classroom teaching, modern resources, student projects and guided research to help you to improve your English. You can study English Language at all levels from Absolute Beginner (A0) to Advanced (C2) all year round. We also offer IELTS and FCE exam preparation courses. Please click Courses for more information.

ISE Hove is a University of Cambridge TEFL Teacher Training Centre, offering CELTA, YL Extension and DELTA courses. If you are interested in becoming a CELTA qualified teacher, please click CELTA for more information. For other teacher-training courses and options please click Teacher Training.

ISE Hove run English & Activity courses for groups of young adults and children all year round, and English for individual children during the summer. For students aged 8 - 16 please click Young Learners.

For school groups we offer specialist Exam preparation and work experience courses, so your students get the chance to use their English in a real environment. We combine English teaching, retail vocabulary, social skills and project work to make sure that students see a real improvement in just one week. For more info please email here.

The best advert for ISE Hove is our students. We will help you achieve your language learning goals.

Летний курс "Английский и футбол"
Общий английский
Курсы для детей и подростков (8 - 18 лет)
Бесплатные занятия
Деловой английский
До-университетский диплом
Индивидуальные занятия
Диплом в области делового английского
Диплом "Английский и компьютер"

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